My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The word of the day for yesterday: extravagant

Ever since I started taking interpersonal communications and english class, I have n very appreciative of words. I used to love words, but in the stress of life I started to take them for granted and I forgot how truly awesome words are. And right before I go to sleep I've been thinking up a word that adequately describes my day.

Yesterday, I was feeling kind of fancy and also dramatic. I figure extravagant is a fancy and dramatic sounding word, so the word of the day yesterday was extravagant.

If I start out a lot of my posts this way for a while, be patient with me nim just re-discovered my love for words :)

Furthermore, I am typing on my moms iPad, and may I just say I have an easier time typing on my tiny little iPod. Just saying.


  1. Great word :D
    Really? It's easier to type on a little iTouch than on an iPad? That seems a little backwards... maybe it's because you're used to it though.

  2. Thanks :D like I said, I was feeling fancy...

    Yeah I dont know why either!!!!! maybe because on my itouch i primarily use my thumbs, but on the ipad I type like normal, which isnt so normal on a touch screen for me especially since I had my knees bent with the ipad leaning against then so it was slanted...
