My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is a freaking sign.

Okay so like I said I had a late start today.
So I leave to catch my bus, thinking it came it 9:15, but it turns out the last bus came at 8:54 and the next one didn't come till 3 in the afternoon, by which time school would be over. I have no other ride and I didn't know what to do, so I just came home.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten my keys.
No big deal, I thought. I'll just buzz someone else in the building.
That's when it got FRUSTRATING.
I buzzed like fifteen people with these results:
-about 5 people didnt answer
about 5 more people answered but said they weren't home.
-one girl answered and said "sure I'll let you in" but never did.
-one guy picked up and had a really thick and creepy foreign-sounding accent, probably Romanian or something, and he had like NO IDEA what I was talking about. After saying "I live in the building can you let me in?" and him responding with "what?!?!?" like ten times I just hung up.
-FINALLY a friendly-sounding guy (I bet he was a redhead... i dont know why I'm just picturing him as a redhead) answered and actually had something helpful to say. He said he wasn't home, but he was pretty sure the chick in 106 was.
-The chick in 106 let me in.

I walk in, my cats are really glad to see me, I change back into my pajamas and find "thats so raven " on netflix (dont judge-it reminds me of my childhood) and decided I am NEVER EVER leaving my house again.

I'm pretty sure this is a sign that I was not meant to go to school today.


  1. Some days are TOTALLY like that... and it's hard not to give up and hide in bed until they're over. lol

  2. lol well thats pretty much what I'm doing now XD
    Its much better than going to school, i must say ^.^
