My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Several epic and amazing things!!!! ...and one thing that kind of sucks.

Guess who is going to The Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight (again!) tomorrow night???

Go ahead, guess :)


Okay, I'll tell you.

IT'S MEEE!!!!!!!!! And my friend Zoe, who is awesome.

Okay, so as some of you may know, I am taking, like, the most epic and amazing classes EVER this quarter, which includes Interpersonal Communications class.

Today, in that class, we watched the pilot episode of the show "My so-called life".

May I just say NEW FAVORITE SHOW ALERT!!!!!!

It was brilliant :)

Sadly, it was canceled after only one season, consisting of 19 episodes (*sadface*).

Which leads me to ask, why do the best shws go unrecognized and get cancelled after only one or two seasons? Veronica Mars, Dead Like Me, My So-Called Life...

So we will be watching episodes of "My So-Called Life" every friday in that class to analyze the issues they deal with and what part communication plays in that.... Plus, my teacher say it reminds her of her college days.

As for Jordan Catalano.... "Oh my God, don't you LOVE the way he leans?!?!?"


It is taking GREAT self-control to not watch the next episode on hulu before next friday... I'm settling for watching the first episode again :)

And now for the part that kind of sucks.

It's almost Valentines day.

I have a long, tragic tale regarding Valentines day that I won't bore you all with, but the point is I hate it.

And so begins the State of Extreme Sulk.


...No matter. I shall cheer myself up with Shakespearian sonnets, brilliant but canceled television shows, and of course the lovely music of Gin Blossoms.

I hope everyone else's day is completely devoid of sulkiness. :) Peace out!!


  1. That's it. I'm sending you a valentine. I shall attempt to make your valentine's day happy again! Or at least better :)

  2. Yay!!! :)
    no one ever sends valentines to their friends anymore :(. I miss the days when we gave them to everyone.
