My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Inconvenient timing alert -.-

So it's morning, I have like 45 minutes before I have to leave, so for some reason I decide that now is a good time to sync my ipod with the music on my computer, because I have a ton of stuff that I wanted to put on there. I have 834 songs that weren't already on there :P I'm sure I'll only listen to about half of these, but because sorting through them all and only adding the ones I really want seemed like too much work, I decided to just add all of them. Its taking FOREVER!!!!! Stupid, stupid, stupid idea.
So, because I have like 15 more minutes until its done, I decided to write a blog post.
I showed my biology teacher my lame-o sonnet. She said it was cute :) Now I have to write 3 more :P
We were doing a project in groups in history, and this kid named Jorje (pronounced like "whore-hey") decided to not show up, so I got stuck doing his work along with mine, plus a bunch of extra stuff that I volunteered to do. The only reason that I actually did all of it instead of just ripping it up and cramming it down the garbage disposal is because my friend Tommy gave me a hug when I volunteered to do 4 times as much stuff as I was originally going to do. It's really really hard to say no to Tommy :) And he said he was sorry that I had to do all this other stuff, so I'm totally not pissed at him.
But Jorje... watch out.
I did a scene in acting yesterday. I SUCKED. I was memorized, but I was also nervous so of course I forgot my lines... I had my script in my pocket and I kept having to look at it!!! ugh. I wanna smack myself in the face right now. Thankfully, I have a chance to re-do it today... and I practiced for like two hours last night so I know I'll do better.
Okay my computers dying. byes!

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