My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Making hemp necklaces!!!

So I'm trying to learn how to make hemp necklaces. I bought a ton of "hemp cord" at the bead store, and its in all these awesome bright colors!!!!
The down side? It's super tangled. I'm trying to wind it around a spool so I can use it, but I've totally tangled myself up in the process. (If I don't do a blog post within the next week or so, send help!) As I write this, my right foot is completely tied up :/
In 8th grade, people often called me a hippie. I would look up from the dandelion crown I was making and say "what do you mean?" Now, two years later, I am tangled up in hemp and wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt, and I think "Ohhh, I can see how they would say that."
Great, now my leg is bent at an odd angle in an attempt to get rid of a huge knot :/
Well if I ever get the hang of this, and if my necklaces turn out not to be hideous, I might post pictures!!!!!
Well, back to untangling myself :P Wish me luck!!!

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