My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Making hemp necklaces!!!

So I'm trying to learn how to make hemp necklaces. I bought a ton of "hemp cord" at the bead store, and its in all these awesome bright colors!!!!
The down side? It's super tangled. I'm trying to wind it around a spool so I can use it, but I've totally tangled myself up in the process. (If I don't do a blog post within the next week or so, send help!) As I write this, my right foot is completely tied up :/
In 8th grade, people often called me a hippie. I would look up from the dandelion crown I was making and say "what do you mean?" Now, two years later, I am tangled up in hemp and wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt, and I think "Ohhh, I can see how they would say that."
Great, now my leg is bent at an odd angle in an attempt to get rid of a huge knot :/
Well if I ever get the hang of this, and if my necklaces turn out not to be hideous, I might post pictures!!!!!
Well, back to untangling myself :P Wish me luck!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Remember back when tv shows were actually GOOD?

90s cartoons. Early 2000s. Hey Arnold, Doug, Wild Thornberries, Lindsay Lohan still being sane... Those were the days :)
And the music!!!!! Britney, The Backstreet Boys, Aaron Carter, NSYNC, Dream Street...
In case u didn't notice, I'm kind of missing my early childhood today :(
I'm SO SICK of hearing about Justin Beiber and how annoying he is every ten seconds!!! If you don't like him, don't listen to him!!!!! And has anyone else noticed that disney channel has gotten all dramatic nowadays??? Nick is still ok thank goodness, but it used to be amazing!!!!!!!!! They played "Sabrina the teenage witch" sometimes, and they had "the amanda show"... I miss those days! Ahhhhh!!!!
I wish I could like set my tv to only play those shows... well and icarly :)
okay so they still play "sabrina the teenage witch" and i can watch the cartoons on youtube or whatever... and they sometimes play the lindsey lohan movies from back before she went totally nuts on disney (freaky friday, confessions of a teenage drama queen...) and i can get the songs on itunes... and im on a search for the same britney spears cd i had when i was 7 that my friend stole and scratched up...
But its not the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now im watching reruns of "Zoey 101" (early 2000s not 90s i know, but whatevs, still good) and wondering whatever happened to jaime lynn spears. i know she had a baby at like 16 or something, but where is she now??? how is her baby?? I think im gonna google her...
Okay, so heres something weird: we all know she got preggers like super young, right? well apparently there was a huge controversy over it because she was 2 years below the age of consent in california... but the weird part is she was neither from california nor living there. whatevs.
So apparently they had their baby, she and her fiance broke up last march, but they got back together this august.
Well that was a terrific waste of time.
I also googled te chick who did the voice of kim possible, cuz i havent seen her in anything for a while. she does broadway shows now.
im going to go do something else now.

Friday, September 10, 2010

I like Eminem :)

I just found out that one of my friends hates Eminem :O I cannot believe it. Eminem is AMAZING!
Anyways, I didn't make the improv show :( Sad,but whatever. There were a ton of really good people auditioning. There's always next year... *sigh*
On a happier note, I have decided that at my wedding I'm using Ring Pops instead of actual rings :)
So I'm pretty much just babbling. This has been a pretty insane day-started out super happy, then super sad, then super confusing, then super happy again, then normal for a while, then I got sad again, then I got happy again, and now I'm too tired to experience any emotions at all :P
Kind of reminds me of a kaleidoscope :)
Wowwww I'm tired :P
And yet I have no desire to go to sleep...
This is a pointless post :P I'm done now.
Oh wait! As of an hour and a half ago, it is the 9 year anniversary of 9/11. So my question to all of you is: what were you doing when you heard about 9/11? Here's what I was doing:
I was in first grade,in the classroom. I happened to be in the bathroom at the time when our teacher told us, and I just got back at the end of her little speech, as she was saying " a lot of people got hurt. I just thought you all should know." I thought there had been a fight on the playground or something. I had no clue what she was talking about. Then when my babysitter picked me up later, she wouldn't let me listen to Radio Disney in the car (ahh remember listening to Radio Disney as a kid? good times :D) because she wanted to listen to the news (she was FREAKING OUT!) Then when we got to her house, she wouldn't let me watch cartoons either cuz she wanted to watch the news. That's where I saw them playing the planes crashing into the buildings on her gigantic TV (It actually wasn't that big... I was only 6 at the time though so it seemed huge) They played it like 500 times before my babysitters daughters friend finally was like "oh, didn't you know? Those planes crashed into some important buildings and people are freaking out over it."

As I was typing the answer to this question, a new question popped into my head-What were you doing when you found out that Michael Jackson died????? I was at my grandmas house alone (she was at work) and I had just woken up from a nap. The sunlight was shining through the windows in a really psychadelic way, and it reflected off the white walls making the whole house look super bright and happy. It was like I was in a fairy tale or something, and I was kind of disoriented from having just woken up. Then I wandered into the living room, and the news was playing (I have no clue why-I don't even watch the news!) and the chick on the news was like "this just in-Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest earlier today" or something like that. I totally thought I was dreaming, and since I was still half asleep, I called my mom at work and I asked "Mom, is Michael Jackson dead?" And she was like "Yeah! I just heard that on the radio!" This is how I knew I wasn't dreaming,because a.) my mom is hardly ever in my dreams, b.) on the rare occasions when she is, her voice is either really high-pitched or really low-pitched, and c.) Phones never work in my dreams. I don't even think they exist... but texting and facebook does. I wonder what a psychoanalyst would say about this?
Then, confirming the fact that I wasn't dreaming, my grandma came home right after I hung up with my mom, and she was like "Ezra!!! Did you hear about Michael Jackson?" So... yeah.

If you took the time to read this super-long post... *applauds*. I thank you for your patience :)
Gotta go to sleep. It's almost 2 in the morning, and in 12 hours I'm supposed to go shopping for pirate day with some of my friends. I'm so tired that I had to delete and re-type the word "friends" in that last sentence 4 times because I kept misspelling it. Good night blog readers!
-Ezi :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Forget education!!!! >:P

Ughhhhh. I'm really hating education right now :P
So here's the story: my mom is in college, and normally she's pretty much awesome, but when she's in school she goes totally INSANE. Example from earlier today:

Mom: why aren't you doing your homework?????????
Me: I don't have any homework.
Mom: No way. You're totally lying. Tell me the truth!
*pause button* I really didn't have any homework. But, of course, I knew she would react like this, so I seriously considered making up a fake assignment and saying something like "oh yeah I have to write a ransom note for forensic science and I need to google something about WWI for history..." but then the little voice in my head went "That's dumb. Just tell her the truth. You don't know that she'll react like that." Sorry, Little Voice, you've been proven wrong once again! Who's ever heard of a kid lying and saying that they do have homework when they don't?!?
But here's why I'm truly pissed at school. Not my school, of course. I love my school, more than most people love their schools. I'm mad at my sister's middle school and my mom's college.
So my sister was having trouble with something extremely simple. I tried explaining it to her a few times, but I'm a horrible teacher, and I couldn't really think of another way to explain it besides the way I'd already been explaining it. So my mom is like "Oh, don't worry about it Ezra. I'll help her as soon as I'm done with this problem." So I go back to what I was doing (listening to music and reading MLIA :D ) when like 5 minutes later she taps me on the shoulder and is all "God! Why can't you help your sister with her math while I'm trying to learn something???? Just explain one simple thing to her. How is that so hard??"... blah blah blah. So I say "Well, one reason is because I'm a horrible teacher. And I couldn't think of any other way to explain it to her. And--" "*scoff/eye roll Whatever Ezra." and she goes back to helping my sister. I'm just like "Um, hello?!?! Have you gone mental?!?!?" Grrr. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Okay, I'm done ranting now.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh my God!!!!!!!! I love Josh!!!!!!!

^Clueless reference. I know Jude R. will get it. :)
So... what to blog about?
So I complained to the manager of the comic book store that his employee is a sexist jerkface... and he laughed at me too XP So I go to the used comic store instead. Cheaper and friendlier people. Unfortunately, it's attached to the other store, so I have to walk through there to get to it. And now every time the two of them see me, they laugh. Ugh, I hate being made fun of.
On the brighter side, I haven't bitten my nails in 3 days :) this is my third time quitting.
First time I quit: I quit for about three weeks, then I started middle school and that was the end of that.
Second time I quit: Quit for a month and a half!!! I was actually having to cut them and everything... then my friend died, and it happened to be finals week. Of course it didn't last.
And now I'm quitting again. Hopefully. I got that freakish nail polish that gets super hard when it dries, so if I keep wearing it, I should be able to make it last a while :)
im so tired. im goin to bed. goodnight!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"they took the credit for you second symphony, re-written by machine on new technology..."

Fun Fact: that was the first music video ever played on MTV. For those of you who don't know, it's a line from "video killed the radio star". Great song. It's on my playlist.

So, who wants to hear about my day?

I woke up in the morning, feeling nothing like P. Diddy. Lent the car to my aunt, so I had to walk to the bus stop... in the rain :P But I got to wear the rain coat that makes me look like the girl on the salt container, so that was good :)
I got on the bus and talk to my friend with big fluffy hair about music and cartoons and fluffy hair and blues clues (wait, blues clues was yesterday) and repetitiveness, and other stuffs :) oh and i actually learned something about meteorology... but now I don't remember it :P
So I get to school and drink 4 cups of black coffee with like 3 sugars each. Badddddddddddddddd idea. 'Cuz after acting (which is where I drank the coffee) I had Biology, and my friend Hanthon thought I was going insane cuz I was so freaking hyper ahaha XP and then he wouldn't let me use the chemicals we were working with :(
So then it was lunch time. Depressing cuz our lunch lady man is gone :( But fun cuz I found out when Sparkle Day is this year :)
Next was History. I had to sing my song XP that was SCARYYYY!!!!!!! But Tommy came with me and protected me with his magical vegetarian powers so that made it better :)
God, I wish I had vegan powers XP but I think I'd die without cheese, so that probably won't happen. But I've acquired a taste for black coffee, which I also thought would never happen, so who knows?
So then I had forensic science. With Will. Right after I sang my song, I experienced the inevitable Caffeine Crash, and Will is... Will, so we were both super tired and loopy. I ended up drawing a picture of a hooker, and Will ended up eating it XD Oh how I love weird people... because I am a weird person I suppose.
So I went home, stopped at comic store, got laughed out of it for being a teenage girl, so went to the used comic book store. Less options, but the people are much friendlier.
In the 5 minutes I was at the comic store, my mom searched all of Minneapolis for me, skipping over the most obvious place to look for me. :P Wow, mom.
Then I watched the breakfast club with my sister Waffle. And now I have to go. Bye blog readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Ezi :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

song of the day: only the good die young" by Billy Joel

Things That Are Depressing:
-When your BF moves to a foreign country :(
-The lack of Child Labor Laws in the progressive era
-When you get way too much homework and way too little time to do it, so you have to skip bible study
-When you skip lunch and all you have in your fridge when you finally get home is cold Chinese food.
-Getting yelled at by your Grandma.

So today pretty much sucked. That's what inspired me to create that list.
Which leads me to my next list...

Things That Cheer Me Up After Being Depressed:
-The Steve Miller Band
-My kitties :)
-Hugging people who smell really good :)
-writing songs about child labor laws in the progressive era ("only the good die young, progression era version" will be posted at a later time)

and now i gotta go. my evil mother is making me wash the kitchen floors. maybe my mice friends will help me.
i shall blog more tomorrow!
-Ezi :)