My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Going just a little bit insane...

-Due to the head lice and my desperation to get rid of it, I'm pretty sure I'm developing slight OCD-I just spend about 2 hours cleaning my kitchen, and I've washed my hair three times in the past 24 hours.
-I have 3 people sleeping over tonight, and due to the head lice, I have no pillows (I threw them all away and bought new ones which are only enough for all the people who live here)
-my friend Zoe is REFUSING to get checked for lice, even though she slept on my sisters pillow the night before we discovered the infestation (she's insisting that she doesnt have any because her head doesnt itch. But she should still check! I mean shes coming over here and sleeping on our pillows again!)
-My friend with the big fluffy hair was supposed to come over tonight too, but due to the fact that his mother is INSANE, he can't. which wouldnt be so bad except that tomorrow hes going out of town for like a month and a half!
-My mom insisted that i completely cover my hair with tea tree oil which repels lice, but i had an allergic reaction to it which kept me up all night and continues to irritate my lungs, even though I washed it out, leaving me with a gnarly cough.
-EVERYTHING I OWN IS SHOVED INTO A PLASTIC GARBAGE BAG WHERE IT HAS TO STAY FOR TWO WEEKS UNTIL THEYRE ALL DEAD. its only been THREE DAYS. and my HEADPHONES are in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how will i live for two weeks without my headphones?!?!?!?
-So are all of my jeans. I have to wear pajama pants to the movie tonight.

But at least I get to get out of the house for a while to see Scott Pilgrim vs. the world at midnight tonight with Tommy, Danny and Zoe (if she doesnt have lice). And I'm gonna see if my friend with the hair can hang out earlier today since hes going out of town for the next bajillion years or so. Argh.

I hope everyone else is having a better week than I am!

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