My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cultists, cremation and creepers (oh my!)

So lately i have taken a fancy to walking around the lake when I'm bored. I live right by a lake that is about 3 miles in diameter, and on a nice day, it is quite pleasant and very pretty to walk around.
Now one of my favorite things to do is talk to strangers. Not just randomly, like "hi I'm Ezra let's be friends how are you?" but if I see someone drawing or painting or reading, I do ask them if I can see their drawing/painting or what book they're reading.

However, it recently occurred to me that this is probably why I
-have met so many total creepers, and
-have had three people try (unsuccessfully) to get me to join their cults.

Now, just so you all know, I don't talk to creepy fat old bald men with crazed looks I. Their eyes and who are holding a knife behind their back. But you can't judge a persons creepiness (or cultishness) by the way they look!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, now I have an announcement: my mom is finally down with her summer research!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
(Annoying audience member: so? Why should I care?)
I shall explain. This research has been the bane of my existence all summer. Not that I don't think it's totally cool that she's doing this research (though it does involve cremation, which, I admit, I find a bit creepy). But it gets quite irritating that whenever I say something to her she goes "...what? I'm sorry I can't talk right now, I'm working on my research...".

...ahem. So, in other news, I've been going to the beach almost every day with my wonderful friend Zoe, and as a result I am hella tan. CHYEAH!!!!!!!!!!

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