My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


so the past 28 hours have SUCKED. My little sister discovered that she had head lice (girlish scream). My hair was checked and I didn't have any, but i did the treatments just in case. (Jude, in case you're reading this, that's why i was combing my hair with a plastic fork).
Aside from making your head itch, lice is a HUGE inconvenience to get rid of. Basically, we were up until 5 in the morning de-liceing our heads and our entire house. That wouldn't be that bad except for the fact that today was my grandma's birthday and she was coming to pick me up at 10 to go to the Walker and the sculpture gardens AND out for dinner afterwards. So basically, I had to be pleasant and friendly all day long while running on 5 hours of sleep. NOT EASY.

But at last I'm home! And I'm eager to get to sleep! Goodnight people, may your nights be pleasant and lice-free!

Monday, June 27, 2011


So this weekend was pride weekend in Minneapolis. So Rocky Horror was especially awesome on Saturday night because beforehand they were talking about gay pride and whatnot :)

So in the spirit of Pride weekend, I thought I would share one of my favorite pictures of all time :)

Is that not the greatest thing ever?

So anyway, here's how my weekend went:

On friday, I hung out with my friend with the big fluffy hair (it has fully grown out so it is big and fluffy again! YAY!). I encountered several foreign people at the bus stop on the way there, my favorite being the Russian lady because she had an awesome accent and she was totally reading my shirt which happened to be in Russian (it said "big brother is watching you" and has all sorts of awesome pictures of creepers staring out at you). Here's how our very brief conversation went...
Me: excuse me, ma'am, do you know when the next 12 bus comes?
her: oh, I no understand, I Russian.
Me: oh okay. Thanks!

But she had a really epic accent :D

So I ended up spending about $7 on subway and gummy bears that day, but it was still fun :)

ROCKY HORROR NIGHT BIZNATCH! First I had family obligations and church obligations to attend, then my wonderful friend Zoe Who came over, and we got our fishnets and make-up on and went to Rocky Horror :) Now, for all you virgins who don't know what we do at rocky, there's a line where Brad Majors (ASSHOLE) yells "GREAT SCOTT!" and everyone throws toilet paper. Well tonight, EVERYONE brought toilet paper, so Zoe and I were absolutely COVERED in it, and on the walk home we were still all tangled up in it. But we decided to leave it on because, as Zoe so bluntly put it, "It shows people that we were at Rocky, and we're not jut walking around in fishnets like hookers." Being Saturday night in uptown, there were A LOT of drunk people. Here's a summary of our encounters with drunk people...

drunk guy on corner (yelling into space): IIIII'MM DRUUUNK!!!!
Zoe and I walk by him, and stop to wait for the "walk" sign.
drunk guy )pointing at us): T.P.! You guys got T.P.'d!
Zoe: no, we were at Rocky horror.
drunk guy: "rock the chord?"
zoe and I both: ROCKY HORROR!!!
drunk guy: oh... I don't know what that is...
us: well it's really fun! last saturday of every month at the uptown theatre. you should go.
dunk guy: okay! :)
us: well, the light changed, so we're gonna go...
drunk guy: BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*about 4 blocks later, we're walking on one side of the street and on the other side are two guys and two girls. The girls were very intoxicated but the guys seemed reasonably sober. my friend Zoe made a prediction that the guys had enabled the girls intoxication in order to fornicate with them-or, as Zoe put it, "they probably got them drunk so they could fuck them"*

wasted girls: OMG MUMMIES!!!!!
drunk girl 1: oh my god is it your birthday?
zoe and i: no.
drunk girl 2: is it your bachelorette party?

then the sleazy guys brought them to an appartment.
Zoe and I went home and CRASHED!!!!!

parade day :) zoe woke me up by going "EZRA!" in my ear :P
so we went to the parade and watched it, and ran into my friend molly, and hung out at the park where all the pride stuff was going on. Then we were going to go home when we ran into my friend Tommy (TOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Here's the thing about Tommy: no matter what, you can't not love Tommy. EVERYONE loves Tommy, partly because he is so adorable that you just want to hug him, and partly because he's super friendly. So what did we, three 16-year-olds loose in downtown, do with the rest of our day? We got chipotle, walked around the lake, and made a blanket for at my house :)

I was still super tired from Sunday (we walked EVERYWHERE) so I took a nap that lasted about 5 hours. And I made $40 for a duct tape purse :)

TODAY! (early on tuesday morning)
today I have plans with my friend Molly and I really should be getting to bed. Plus this post is long and boring enough. so goodnight everybody! Happy pride weekend!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



-I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, and I'm TERRIFIED of the doctor! :/ Plus I need a shot. Oh God, I have shots. Needles are another thing that terrify me. And they'll make me step on the dreaded scale. There is a very good reason why I avoid scales at all costs (but I don't feel the need to get into that right now). There are many bad things associated with doctors offices for me, and I DON'T WANT TO GO!!!!!!! Plus, earlier today I learned that a girl whom I have met once or twice and is MY EXACT AGE was diagnosed with MS at age 16! (for those who don't know, multiple sclerosis is a disease that leaves you crippled for life). Okay, can we NOT talk about terrifying diseases the day before I have a doctors appointment?!?! Actually can we just not talk about this at all? It's STRESSING ME OUT!

-I am determined to make enough money for Elvis Costello tickets. I really need more rich, generous friends :P. My last boyfriend would have bought the tickets for me for sure... too bad he was suck a fucking douche bag... (excuse my language). Plus my mom tells me that even if I do get the money, I should donate it to the food shelf instead of using it for Elvis Costello tickets.

-In an effort to make enough money in the next 6 days (not likely, but worth a shot), I am trying to sell as many purses as I can. Basically, when I'm not out shopping for duct tape, I'm home making things out of duct tape, and when I'm not doing that like when I'm with a friend or something, I'm thinking about duct tape. Right now, lying on the floor of my living room, I look around and see 7 rolls of duct tape, my scisors, my ruler, 2 empty rolls of duct tape, 3 completed purses, one half-done purse, the book I'm currently reading in between projects, and an enormous pile of laundry that I really need to put away. But I'm considering just selling all of my clothes for money for the Elvis Costello tickets.

I would love to be watching Glee in my pajamas right now instead of being up at midnight, still in my jeans, surrounded by duct tape. Gah! But I really want those tickets. I would make 50 duct tape purses if it would guarantee me tickets to see Elvis Costello.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ezra's Rant: Money

I AM SO SICK OF NOT HAVING ANY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elvis Costello is coming to Minneapolis and playing a show on Wednesday! I have been SO obsessed with Elvis Costello since I was about 10, and I would sell one of my kidneys on the black market in exchange for tickets to see him (but they'd have to be REALLY GOOD seats if I'm selling one of my kidneys...). Unfortunately, the cheapest tickets I could find online were $90 each, and I have no way of finding that much money by next Wednesday. I'M PISSED!!!!!!!!!!

....But, on the bright side, I know all the places he always visits when he comes here, so I can stalk him :)

... Still, I would so rather see him perform!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH. This is quite possibly going to plunge me into another emo phase for the next few days or so :P Better go buy some black eyeliner and a bring me the horizon CD...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Beauty and the Beast: a breif history (part II)

I have good news and bad news. The bad news: I'm sick :( The good news: because I am sick, I have more time to do things like make duct tape purses (I made 2 today, got an order for another one, and it looks like I'll have $60 by next Monday!) and, more importantly, read different versions of "Beauty and the Beast" online! Also, since yesterday I did the two least interesting versions of it (the Grimm Brothers version and the one that was originally published), now I'm going to move on to more interesting versions, and because i basically told every little detail of those stories, now I'll just focus on what makes them different from the other ones.

-The Basque version is very much like the French version, except for a few things. Let me start by saying that Belle's name in this story is Fifine and the beast is named Azor. Secondly, the beast is a serpent, not a beast. Thirdly, Fifine is a princess, so her father the king never loses his money. The way he encounters Azor is this: when he goes traveling, he always brings presents back for his two oldest daughters, but never paid any attention to Fifine, so one day he asks her what she wants and she asks for a flower. He sees Azor's garden and takes a flower, and Azor says "send one of your three daughters to me within a year or I will burn down your kingdom." Fifine is the only one who is willing to go. The serpent asks Fifine to marry him, and when she says no, he stops feeding her, so when he asks again she really has no choice ut to say yes. Then when they go to get married, the serpent sheds his skin and becomes a super-hot prince, and tells Fifine to burn the skin. It turns out he had 21 years left in his curse, and finding his true love had nothing to do with breaking the curse. So actually its nothing like the french version, and it's probably my least favorite version of this story that I've ever read.

-"The enchanted frog" is a German version of this story in which the father is a merchant who promises presents to his daughters. The youngest daughter, who happens to be his favorite, asks for a rose that is three colors instead of one. Of course, he can't find any, until he finds a HUGE rose garden with one growing in it. As soon as he picks it, a giant frog shows up and says "Because you picked my rose, I will kill ou unless ou send me our youngest daughter to be my wife." He soecifically asks for the youngest daughter. He tells the merchant that he'll be at his house in a week for his wife. The youngest daughter didn't exactly take the news well. She hides under the bed and the frogs servants drag her out, kicking and screaming. They take her back to the frogs house, which, instead of being a big fancy extravagant castle, is a little shack that happens to be next to a huge rose garden. That night when she's lying in bed, the frog appears outside of the shack and starts singing, and he soubds so good that she lets him in and pulls him under the covers with her (messed. up.). The next morning, he has turned into a prince.

-"The Singing Rose" is from Austria, and this one kind of made me go "what the Hell?" There was an old king who had three daughters and didn't know which daughter would get to take over the thrine when he died, so he told them that whichever one of them could bring him back a singing rose would get to be queen. The youngest daughter found a crusty old man sitting in a garden and he asked her "what is yoru wish?" she asked if he knew where she could find a singing rose. he told her "I have one growing in my garden, and you can have it if you agree to marry me in 7 years." Keep in mind, this guy is OLD, and she thinks he probaboy wont live 7 more years, so she agrees and brings the singing rose to her father and becomes queen, and she forgot about her promise to the old man until he shows up 7 years later and demands that she marries him. She lives with this crabby old man for a few years and one day she hears that one of her sisters is getting married and she asks him if she can go. He gets pissed and says "go, but if you laugh even once i will tear you to shreds." so she goes and doesnt laugh. then a few years later her other sister gets married and shes only allowed to go if she doesnt talk once the whole day. So basically the guy ruined both of her sisters weddings for her. Then a couple days later, the old guy tells her to cut off his head and tells her that when she does she can have all of his money. When she cuts off his head, instead of him bleeding, a key falls out of his head that opens all of the doors to every room in his castle. In the rooms she finds a ton of money and is rich forever.

Um, none of those versions actually included the moral of the story-that even if someone is super-scary looking, if you get to know them you might find that you love them anyway. Here's what I kearned from each of these stories...

-"beauty and the beas"t (basque version): if someone wont agree to marry you the first time you ask them, starve them until they agree. Also, sometimes the person whom yu have starved into being your spouse can help you weasel you way out of a curse thats supposed to nlast 21 more years so you dont have to go to the trouble of learning your lesson about being a bad person (which is pretty much always the reason why the beast has been turned from a human into a beast, for being a total and complete dick).

"The enchanted frog": If someone is a really good singer, no matter what, you should pull them into your bed and have sex with them. Even if they just kidnapped you and happen to be a different species.

-"the singing rose": Marry an old rich guy, even if he makes you miserable, because when he dies, which will most likely be soon, he will leave you a shitload of money.

But one good thing did come out of tonights research-I discovered that "Cupid and Psyche" is considered the aincent Greek version of "beauty and the beast". "Cupid and Psyche" is one of my favorite myths! I will talk about it next time, because this post is too long already and I want a snack. If anyone cares. I don't know that anyone is reading these extensive rants of mine about Beauty and the Beast, but i enjoy reading and writing about them, so I guess that doesn't really matter :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Beauty and the Beast: a brief history (Part I)

"Beauty and the Beast" is not only my favorite Disney movie, it is one of my favorite stories ever. I have always loved this story, but I recently read the book "Beastly" (Yes, I read it before I saw the movie, I do it that way most of the time if I can. Now I'm a little afraid to see the movie because it has Mary-Kate Olsen and Vanessa Hudgens in it, and I'm sure no good can come of that, but I probably will anyway), and in the back it talked a little bit about all of the other versions of this story, so I decided to do a little research on it, and here's what I found...

-Originally, this story was an allegory for (prepare to have a tiny piece of your childhood die) the way young women perceived the idea of having a relationship with a man, specifically the idea of having sex for the first time (this was back when girls were forced to marry 40-year-old men at like age 14), and how at first its terrifying, but with time you learn to deal. I told you a tiny piece of your childhood would die. But I still love this story.

-The Grimm Brothers version is, in my opinion, significantly lamer than most other versions, especially the Disney version. I say this partially because the Disney version is wonderful in every way, shape and form, but mostly because I always kind of related to Belle in the Disney version because, very much like me in elementary and middle school, she never wanted to hang out with people because all she wanted to do was read, and she read more than most of the people she met (which, when you're reading the Odyssey at 10 years old like I did, is a thing that becomes obvious when you start telling one of your friends about this awesome book you're reading and these totally badass Sirens who sing an enchanted song to make sailors crash into the rocks and die and about how Odysseus's ship has to get between a six-headed sea monster and an insane whirlpool and this freaky witch-goddess who turns his men into pigs and will only change them back to human if Odysseus "goes to bed with her", which we knew by then meant sex... and then my friend tells me that they're reading the "fudge" books by Judy Bloom. Which you've already read. Four times. The first time was in second grade. Sigh...) , and everyone thought she was a total freak because of her love of reading (Which is a feeling I also became well-acquainted with when I read the Odyssey, because when I checked it out from my elementary school's library, the librarian told me "You know you have to return this in two weeks, right?" and I said "Yeah, I know," not quite getting what she meant by that, and she went to the student teacher who was helping her out with the oh-so-difficult job of running an elementary school library, and pointed at me and said "This girl thinks she can read the Odyssey in two weeks" and they both laughed. I am completely serious-they laughed at me! So when I came back two weeks later and returned the book and they gave me a reading quiz on it and I got every last question right and they started asking me questions themselves and I got them all right and they were amazed I was like "AHAHAHAHAHAHA WHO'S LAUGHING NOW BITCHES?!?!?!".... then they put me in G & T, where I got to do things like learn how to make my own glue and really basic algebra-like how variables worked and stuff-and do word puzzles and riddles and learned how to knit and entered the young inventors fair and made it to the next level and got my name in the newspaper. To this day when I google myself I find stuff about the young inventors fair. Ahhhhhhhhh, that moment when I totally mindfucked those bitchy librarians was probably one of the best of my life... But I digress), And she has no real friends so she is talking to a sheep about her book at one point in the movie (Which I never did. I did, however, watch "Hercules" because every time I told someone my age that I was into Greek mythology, they mentioned "Hercules", so I figured I'd see just how much they knew about Greek Mythology. Let me say that the Disney movie "Hercules" is NOTHING like the actual myth-which is a rant for another day-and so I was quite disappointed that I obviously would not be able to discuss the books I was reading with any of my peers anytime soon. So if there were any sheep around, I might have given discussing the Odyssey with him/her/it a shot). Okay that is the last tangent I will go on. ANYWAY, I always liked Belle in the disney version because she was a smart girl who read a lot and wasn't shallow at all.

In the Grimm Brothers version, she didn't read. She mostly sat by the fire and sewed a lot. And after she and the Beast become fairly close friends, he proposes to her, and she thinks something along the lines of "well, he is pretty much my best friend, but he's too fugly to marry..." and says no. And he's totally nice about it too! He says he can understand how she wouldn't want to marry him and that he wasn't offended, and he even gave her an enchanted mirror so she could see her family and wouldn't feel so lonely! Did I mention the fact that he bought her tons of fancy gifts like jewelry and fancy dresses and fed her really well and gave her an amazing room to stay in and basically treated her like a princess? I would love to meet a guy like the beast, even if he was kinda freaky-looking. Freaky-looking people are more interesting anyway, and often less egotistical. And when she finds out that her father is sick, he lets her go visit him until he's better, and just asks that she checks in with him in a week so he knows she hasn't ditched him. She goes back home, her father gets better, and she totally forgets about the beast, until a few days after she was supposed to be back, she's like "oh wait..." and looks for him in the mirror, and he's crawling around his rose garden saying "Belle, please come back..." and basically as heartbroken as a teenage girl after a breakup (but in his case, it's not as fake and attention-seeking as most of the teenage breakups I've seen. He's actually heartbroken, so much that he starts to die. SIDE NOTE, FEEL FREE TO IGNORE: I was watching "1,000 ways to die" the other day, and this guy had something extremely dramatic happen to him and it gave him this intense rush of adrenaline, and he had a bad heart so it just gave out because of the stress of it all, and he died. It's kind of like that urban legend about the super-conservative Korean couple who had never had sex before, and when they finally decided to do it, they both dropped dead from the anticipation. I'm sure you would have t have some major health issues for that to happen, but I imagine the beast was experiencing something like this. But I'm no expert, and it's just a theorey. SIDE NOTE OVER.) She teleports back to the castle using this magic ring the beast gave her so she could return, and finds him lying on the ground next to a rosebush, and she says "don't die! I'll marry you!" and the spell is broken, he turns human, they get married, the end.

The reason I don't like that one as much is because there's no romance in it! She's shallow, but she doesn't want her friend to die, so she is like "fine I'll marry you if it means you won't die". Which is really sweet, but it would be better if she was already in love with him because of his personality... like in the Disney version.

-The classic version of the story, first published in French by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont (SIDE NOTE: why do Europeans have so many names? Pablo Picasso's full name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. How the hell did he remember all that?!? SIDE NOTE OVER), is quite a bit better, one of the main reasons being that Belle was the youngest of three daughters who all had a very rich father, and her two older sisters spent their time blowing their father's money on fancy clothes and extravagant means of entertainment, and they made fun of Belle because she preferred to spend her time reading (YES! Strike one point for introverted bookworm girls everywhere!!!!!). Then their father lost all of his money, and the two older sisters were basically screwed because they figured "we'll just find some rich husbands," but they were arrogant bitches and since now they had no money, no one wanted anything to do with them. However, since Belle was always so sweet and modest, everyone was worried about her and how she would adjust to being poor, and many rich boys proposed to her, but she chose to stay with her father to support him through the hard time he was having! How sweet is that? Basically, Belle busted her ass trying to make life as good for her family as possible, and her sisters just bitched about not being rich anymore and made fun of Belle a lot. Then, one day, their father got a letter saying that he had a chance to get some of his money back! Of course, his two daughters asked him for all sorts of fancy shit, and Belle just asked for a rose, because no roses grew by their crappy little house in the country where they lived now.
So the getting money back thing didn't work out for their father, and he got lost on the way home. He saw the beasts castle, walked over, found a shit load of food and wine on the table. He ate some food, had A LOT OF WINE, and fell asleep in one of the beds in the castle. The next day he found some new clothes laid out on his bed, and he was like "damn, the owner of this castle is a nice guy!" So as he's leaving, he sees a garden full of roses, and remembers that Belle wanted one. He goes to pick one... and this freaky beast appears and starts bitching him out. He says he loves his roses more than anything in the world, and that he's gonna kill the dude for trying to mess with them. He says he can have 15 minutes to prepare himself to die. The guy BEGS to live, and mentions that he has daughters to take care of, and the beast decides that he can send one of his daughters to take his punishment for him, but the daughter has to come willingly. The guy isn't thrilled about sending one of his daughters to the beast, but he also doesnt want to die, so he does what any good parent would do-he says "sure!" and goes off to send one of his daughters to be a prisoner and most likely killed, even though he was the one who accidentally pissed off the beast. Dickhead. Of course, Belle agrees to save her fathers life. (the sisters ended up marrying rich guys). Needless to say, Belle was FREAKING OUT, ut that night she had a dream that a fairy came to her and told her that her selfless act of giving up her life for her fathers would not go unrewarded, so that made her feel a little better. So Belle says bye-bye to her father, and is pretty much convinced that the beast is gonna kill her and eat her that night (why he would wait for night, i have no clue, but whatever), so she decides to explore the castle until then. Much to her surprise, she finds a room that says "Belle's appartment" on the door in gold, and inside there is a HUGE library (that's one of my favorite parts of the Disney movie, when he shows her the library!!!!!!!!). She finds a note that basically says "You are now the queen of the castle and whatever you want, I will get it for you". She wishes to see her father again, and she looks at a mirror and sees her family, and her sisters are glad she's gone. Later, the beast shows up while she's eating dinner and just asks her if she thinks he's ugly. She says "Yes, I'm not going to lie. But I believe you are a good person on the inside." He tells her that he just wants her to be happy in the castle with him and to make herself at home. So they chat for a while and he calls himself a monster, and she tells him that she knows a ton of normal-looking humans who are more deserving of the title of "monster" than he is because he is so nice. So, of course, he asks her to marry him. Keep in mind, this is still her first night at the castle, so she says "no". His feelings are hurt, but he doesn't get mad. She feels bad for him. Over the next few months, they become such good friends that Belle hardly even notices the way he looks anymore. The only problem is that he keeps asking her to marry him, and she keeps saying no. One day she asks to visit her father because since her sisters got married, he's alone now. The beast feels like she's gonna leave him and gets sad, and she promises to return in a week. When she gets home her sisters come for a visit. Her sisters are both very unhappy in their marriages, so when Belle tells them how happy she is with the beast, they get extremely jealous and decide that they want to convince her to stay for over a week, hoping that the beast will get mad and kill her. So when she say she's going to leave, they throw a huge fit and she promises to stay a little longer. While she's there, she worries about the beast and realizes that she really misses the beast. She doesn't want to hurt his feelings by staying longer than she said she would, but as i said her sisters threw a huge fit making it hard for her to leave. On her tenth night at her fathers, she dreams that she's in the castle's garden and she sees the beast lying dead in the middle of it. She wakes up and freaks out and decides that even though she doesn't love him as much as he loves her, she'd rather marry him than see him die, and she feels like she owes it to him (where is the romance in that, I ask you?!?!?!?!? That makes me angry. That little tidbit just ruins this version for me). She returns to the castle and finds him almost dead in the garden. He says "you forgot your promise. I got so depressed that I stopped eating. But at least I got to see you one last time before I died." When she hears this, somehow her feelings change from "we're just friends, but i guess I'll marry you because I owe it to you" to "NOOOOOO I can't live without you!" (sounds a bit like hysteria to me). She tells him this and he turns into a prince. she asks "where'd teh beast go?" and he tells her that a wicked fairy put a spell on him that could only be broken when a beautiful virgin agreed to marry him (?). They walk into teh castle and the fairy is there, and she turns Belle's two sisters into statues that have to stand outside the castle and see Belle be happy forever until they can get over their envy and realize the error of their ways (they never turn back to humans). they get married and live happily ever after.

Okay, now it's 3 am and I'm tired. Those two stories were kind of downers, ut i have read mroe cheerful versions, so i know theyre out there! These two-the grimm version and the original-are ones that i thought i should tell in a little more detail, but in the future i won't repeat so many things if they show up multiple times. I think I'm gonna make this a series of blog posts because I found it interesting to read about, but there is no way I can fit all of the different versions of this story into one post. And I know there are some really different ones, because ive read them before, and these two were pretty similar, but in the future they wont be like that.

Okay, im too tired to type. I'll post more tomorrow, after ive done more research. bye!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Here's a shot story: one time one of my distant great-aunts came into town and my grandma threw a dinner party for the occasion. This particular great-aunt is very very boring, so after a few painful hours of making small talk, my mom and I started to leave. Just as we were walking out the door, my aunt starts playing the movie "Beauty and the Beast" for my little cousin. My mom and I sat down, watched the entire movie and sang along to all of the songs before leaving.
I happened to go to my cousins house today and saw this movie again. I sang along again too. And now I am sharing some of my favorite songs from that movie with all of you people :) Enjoy

"Belle". I love this song :) It reminds me of myself in like 5th grade when a) I was constantly reading. Constantly. And b) I was kind of "the weird kid" :P

"Be our guest"!!!!! This is one of the best songs in any Disney movie EVER!!!! When I was watching beauty and the beast earlier, my sister was in the other room and when she heard the beginning of this song she ran in screaming "REWIND IT! REWIND IT!!!" and my little cousin (who's 3 years old by the way) reaches over and turns the TV way up and I was so proud of my relatives at that moment :) And I've been singing this song since I watched it :)


You cant not love this song :) but Celine Dion ruined it in her cover... as she does with most things in my opinion :P (not a fan of hers...)

And here's some songs from other disney movies that i found whilst collecting all of these...

Eric's kinda hot. Just saying. My school's Chamber Singers sang this song and I heard them rehearse every day while I was working on my Unscripted final!!!!!!! It made the process of creating an hour-long show with nine sketches, 15 minutes of improv, three videos and a group that was constantly fighting much less painful :)

"Ariel, listen to me. Da hyuman vorld, et's a mess. Life under de sea is better dan anything dey got up dere"

So I watched this for the first time while I was in the middle of a big Greek Mythology phase (4th-5th grade) and of course this is absolutely nothing like how the Hercules myth actually went (though I did enjoy it mostly because I enjoy most Disney movies), but I really liked this song a lot :)

Aladdin is way hotter than Eric (or anyone else) is or ever could be! Did anyone else sit on a rug or blanket or something and pretend they were flying a magic carpet when they were little?

Love this song so much and have since I was like three :)

I love that Elton John did the soundtrack to the Lion King. Almost as cool as Prince doing the soundtrack to the original Batman movie (the one with Jack Nicholson as the Joker) :)

I SANG THAT FOR CHOIR IN 4TH GRADE!!!!!! we were supposed to sing both Zazu's part and Simba's part, but the only one who did Zazu's part was the teacher XD

HAVE, YOU, HEARD,? there's a rumor in st petersburg! Yes they're singing about communism when they talk about "the revolution". Who doesn't love this movie? it's great! I even like the song that Rasputin sings. it's the only disney song sung by a villan that i like.

sadly I can't find "once upon a december" from anastasia :(

I can't find the song that Rasputin sings either!!! How irritating!!! Actually I did find it, in French, Russian, Swedish and Finnish, but not in English :P

And now I need to sleep :P I have plans at 1 tomorrow so I can't sleep in till my usual time of 2:30 pm. Goodnight everyone, enjoy the songs!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Power Outage of 2011

When it's wayyy in the future and the technological advances that we have made has made inconveniences like power outages obsolete, and doctors have cured EVERYTHING including death and aging, and I'm still young and hot even though I'm around 120 years old and I'm talking to my great-great-grandkids, even though I won't have aged at all, I'll act like a hunched over old person and say with a minnesota accent "whin I wuz yer ayge..." and they'll have no clue what I'm talking about because they've never seen an elderly person, but they'll listen to me anyway, and I'll tell stories about what it was lie back in the year 2011, and one of the stories I'll tell is the time me and their great-great-auntie and their great-great-great-grandma had a power outage...

It was a bright and sunny day. It was 102 degrees in Minneapolis-I remember the exact temperature because I checked what the weather was like in Miami on my ipod (ipods are one of those old gizmos that you youngsters dont have now in 2113, but back in my day they were a big deal), and it was only 85 degrees in Miami (we used to measure in farenheit back then it would be around 30 degrees celsius in Miami and 39 degrees in Minneapolis!), and i ahd spent the whole day at the beach with my friend Zoe. I was starting to get all tan and stuff, and then I came home and the air conditioning was going full blast and it was great, I was watching old cartoons (even old to me at that time, like 1990s old-now don't get that look on your faces, I was born in 1995. it's not THAT old), there was this one called "Hey Arnold!" and it was one of my favorite shows... oh look at me going off on a tangent. Where was I? Oh, right. I was hanging out there in the coo air, and all of a sudden the air and the TV turned off! And the internet was out too. The big thing back then was Facebook, which I'll explain to you youngsters later, but I couldn't check my Facebook at the time, and it was very annoying ot me, and I couldn't help wonder "what in the world did people do back in the 1800s when there was never power?" And I figured they sewed their own clothes and made their own candles out of beezwax and made their own food over a fire-see? I'm not that old-and stuff like that, but I didnt need to do any of that, so I just went to sleep.

Well, that was a mistake because when I woke up the sun was going down and the power was still out. It was getting dark so I wouldn't even be able to read pretty soon. So me and great-great-great-grandma Alli decided to go to the store to buy us some candles and flashlights. Well we open the door to the hallway of our appartment building, and it's pitch black, and suddenly we hear a voice way down at the end of the hall making ghost noises like "woooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!" It was probably just one of our neighbors being obnoxious, but me and your great-great-great-grandma Alli SCREAMED and great-great-great-grandma went back for our stun gun, and we RAN down the hall and out to the car, and te whole way there you great-great-great grandma was talking to me about zombie apocalypses and ninja attacks and vampires and the end of the world and things like that... it wasn't exactly comforting.

But finally we went and got our candles and our flashlights and it's dark out and me and your great-great-auntie Freya are on the bed watching old episodes of Veronica mars-which is a show you young whippersnappers wouldn't know a gal dang thing about, but I'll try to show you an episode later because it was quite good- and your great-great-auntie was singing this song by this irritating girl who was in back in my time-what was her name? Keresha? Klemesha? oh, yeah, Ke$sha. She spelled it with a dollar sign for an "s"... and she claimed to wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy, who's another person you youngsters wouldn't know about, but I will have to show you all these things later... oh what's that you say? finish the story? oh okay.. where was I this time, oh, yes, I was with your great-great-auntie, and suddenly we hear voices outside, and our neighbors are out in the parking lot and asking us to come out and chat with them. So we go outside and talk for a little while, then me and great-great-auntie Freya decide to lie down on the hood of my car-I had the best car, I named him Antione, he was what back in my day they would have called "a sweet ride", or maybe even a "pimpin'" ride...-and we was lookin at them starts and singng songs that you all have never heard and looking for constillations (we saw the big dipper), and suddenly we see a shooting star! Would you believe that, I've never seen a shooting star before and we were on the outskirts of the city, and it's so dark because there are no lights on and we see a shooting star! It was amazing, and I was just thinking "maybe not having power isn't so bad... and then all at once the streetlights come on and we can hear our air conditioner "woosh"-ing from the open windows in our appartment, and the powers back on. Not gonna lie-I was so glad to have lights again. It's like the feeling you get when you're out camping and you come back and you're like "civilization AT LAST!". Yeah that was a good feeling... but man, I'm glad I got to see that shooting star... first one I ever seen, it was so pretty...

yeah... I imagine it will go something like that when I tell my great-great-grandkids about stuff :)