My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Monday, April 18, 2011


Ok, so those of you with houses with fancy non-coin-operated laundry machines IN YOUR HOUSE: I envy you, and here's why:

So, last night I started a couple of loads of laundry, something I rarely do because doing laundry is a HUGE pain in the ass at my apartment because I live on the second floor and the laundry room is in the basement, so I have to take my quarters and my laundry and stuff down three lights of stairs. often to find that both machines are already in use (we really should have more than two machines...). But I did some last night, and I stayed up about an hour later than I normally do in order to do it.

So today as soon as I get home, I go downstairs to put the last load of laundry in the dryer.

Now here's the part where I get angry, because I go down there to find that someone had taken my WET CLOTHES and dumped them on the table that is there for people to fold and stuff. The table that's all covered in dust and dirt and dead skin cells and bodily fluids and stuff!!!!!!!!! My WET CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be one thing if they were dry, but they weren't, they were WET!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

To make matters worse, THE WASHING MACHINES WERE EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE WAS USING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *MAD FACE*

So that is why I envy people with their own washing machines.... plus the fact that you don't have to pay $1 for every load of laundry you decide to do.

In other news, I decided one thing I want for my birthday: a flesh-eating virus.

Yes, that is a plush flesh-eating virus, and I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay, my laundry is probably done drying now.... hopefully no ones thrown it on the floor... :P

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