So today I skipped school to go to an art museum with my moms college drawing class which was AMAZING! We went to see the Titian exhibit at the art institute which was really cool :)
Here's one of my favorites because even though it doesn't look like anything too exciting when you see it here, in real life its extremely beautiful and it's really not sexual t all, its just a icture of venus rising from the sea:
There were a lot of other paintings featuring female models who were not clothed, but the rest were these high maintenance-looking rich chicks or really unfriendly looking rich chicks or goddesses who were about to kill some poor innocent mortal who happen to stumble upon them whilst bathing (fricking artemis... shes such a biatch) but this one differed from the rest because as I said before it wasn't as sexual and the girl isn't looking at the artist... you hvae to see it in real life to get the full effect of it I guess.
And then I learned some AMAZING information that, when I heard it, I couldn't even stand anymore and had ti sit down on the floor because I was FREAKING OUT!!!
Okay so at the museum me and my mom ran into a friend of my moms who was working there and we were talking about seeing celebrities and how weird people get and he was talking about seeing Mick Jagger and I was just like "oh cool" and not really paying attention...
That is, until he said "...Yeah and Elvis Costello comes in here a lot too..."
I believe my exact words were "WHAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT???????????????????????"
"Oh yeah, he comes here every time hes in town."
"OH MY GOD!!!! So wait, you've, like, SEEN Elvis Costello? HERE?"
"yeah, like three or four times at least."
*slides down wall and sits on floor*
"he kind of just sits in the galleries and stares at teh paintings."
Me: I'm SO stalking him next time hes in town! I'll spend like every spare moment here. OMG ELVIS COSTELLO!!!! I've been listening to his music since I was like eight years old... When I'm bored in class I hide my ipod behind something and google him and read about the meaning behind his songs... hes on my list of people I want to meet in my lifetime... Oh My God! Ahh!
Mom: Ezra, you're a nerd.
Me: I know I dont care :)
I'm still in shock.
I was in the same room that Elvis Costello has been in MULTIPLE TIMES.
I wonder if he has ever spent like fifteen minutes staring at Rembrandt's "Lucretia" like I do every time I go there.
Ever since then I've been planning out what I'd say if (WHEN) I meet him :)
I can't even believe it!!!!!!!!!!
The guy was just like "you're freaking out over Elvis Costello instead of Mick Jagger?!?!?!?!?!"
But I don't think anyone is even CAPABLE of understanding how much I am freaking obsessed with Elvis Costello.
If I met him it would be even better than the time I shook John O.'s hand (twice). It would be like... the most amazing moment of my life.
I even know what I would get him to sign (my sketchbook and possibly my Hello Kitty purse).
Okay I could go on and on and on like this forever so I'm just gonna stop now. Goodnight people!