My life, soundtrack and all :)

this is the closest you will come to understanding how my mind works :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"I've been spending way too long checking my to gue in the mirror..."

That song is in my head :P

So yesterday I hung out with my friend who used to have fluffy hair, which was super fun :)

We couldn't go to his house though because his parents weren't home, so we kind of just wandered.

But when we went to caribou to get hot chocolate, I was paying and the total came out to $6.66. I FRESKED OUT and was like "uhmmm.... Here, let me buy these mints too..." the chick who was working there was like "I totally understand" but he made SO MUCH fun of me XD

Well whatever, I can't help the fact that Im paranoid :P

so my newest life goal is learn how to knit a pair of socks because I love both knitting and socks :). (which is how I learned that my friend knows how to knit!!!) I recently got back into knitting and am I. The process of knitting a very fuzzy white scarf for my friend Zoe Who :).

Uhmmmm... Highlights of my day so far:

-taking super-long nap for like three hours!!! :D

-doing all the dishes in my house.

-playing video games

-finding a half-eaten bag of Swedish fish (score!)

-and going to my grandmas house in... Oh crap four minutes!!!! :/

ACK! I gotta go :/

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